Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I’m finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! ELD is going to be published by October 1st. I hope that by declaring it in print, I’ll finally get it done. It has a new title now, How The Cookie Crumbles. Yup, still all about food.

For those of you who read the book in its original serialized version, I’m sure you’re wondering why the new book has taken so long to produce. First off, I had to change some characters and settings so they were “inspired” rather than photocopied from real life. Secondly, I wanted to rewrite some sections where the character motivation had bothered me. Frankie’s move to L.A. always seemed a little forced, so I’ve addressed that. And thirdly, the book was/is too long, actually the length of two books, so major surgery was required. It will still be a long and satisfying read, but I’ve tried to cut the fat. No Doughnut jokes, please. I’ve written several brand new chapters too, so that’s something to look forward to.

But mainly, I’ve slacked off. So I’m going to stop worrying about whether the book is perfect and just get the damn thing done. At Christmas, I’ll be publishing my other previous novella, Valley of Gold. For people who have been asking for IOSWHP as well, I think I can see my way to through to publishing that as three separate books, if I can figure out how to handle the ending without alienating half the readership. Then, I’m going to start writing new books! I already have three ideas in mind: a one about Sweden, one about the lockout, and one about a really kick-ass heroine. I can hardly wait to get started on them.

From now on, I’m switching my blog posts to my new writer’s site here, so you may want to follow me there instead. Also, if you’re not on blogger much and you want to stay updated on what I’m up to, you can send me an email at melanieting21 at gmail dot com, and I will send you email updates.


  1. So looking forward to your new book. I know it has been difficult to get anything done this summer with the weather being so great - not that I am complaining mind you!

    So I have circled Oct 1 on my calendar - and after that, the hockey season is only a few days away.

    It could be another interesting one here in Van City.

    PS - had to switch my blogger from Van Fan. Had a few issues with my account.

    1. Soupy? That's a funny name. I'm sure there's a great story behind it. Yeah, I wanted to launch the new (old) story with the new season, so it's all working out. And I don't know whether to be excited or worried about the Canucks this year. Now if I only had everything ready to publish...I'm working on it though. Thanks for the comment, it's just the kick I needed!
